Saturday, September 18, 2010

File I/O

File I/O

Microsoft .NET framework provides the most efficient types to work with input and output operations. In this article we will learn how to use those built in types and their methods to perform our tasks. Initially we begin with reading and writing file streams.

Reading and Writing Files:

Many times as a developer we need to work with reading and writing the files. The .NET framework makes it easy to perform these tasks.

Stream Class:

            Stream class is the base class for all type of stream class available in System.IO namespace. By learning how to work with a stream in general, you can apply that knowledge to any type of stream. The different types of streams available are:
  • FileStream.
  • MemoryStream .
             Apart from these stream classes we have CrptyoStream in System.Security, NetwrokStream in System.Netand GZipStream in System.Compression. But in this article we are only confined to FileStream and MemoryStream.

Before we go through the FileStream class we will have a close look at the File and Direcorty classes.

The File Class:

The File Class provides numerous static methods to work with files. Some of the common methods used with File class are as follows.
By using the file class one can perform the following operations.

  1. Create a file:- To create a new file.
  1. Move a file:- To move a file from one location to another location.
  1. Copy a file:- To copy a file.
  1. Open a file:- To open a file for reading.
  1. WriteAllBytes:- To write binary data to file.
 byte[] data = new byte[3] { 0,0,1};
  1. WriteAllText:- To write text to the file.
               File.WriteAllText("D:\\hello.txt""This is teh first line");
  1. ReadAllBytes:- To read binary data from file.
  1. ReadAllText:- To read text from file.
  1. Delete a file:- To delete a file.
  1. Exists:- To determine whether the specified file exists.

 The Directory Class:

           The Directory Class has numerous static methods which allow us to work with directories. The most common methods used with this type are as follows:
  1. Create a directory: - To create a new directory.
                  Directory.CreateDirectory("D:\New Folder");
  1. Delete a directory: - To delete a directory.
           Directory.Delete("D:\\New Folder");
  1.  Exists: - Determine whether specified path refers to an existing directory.
           Directory.Exists("D:\\New Folder");
  1.  Move a file: - To move a directory from one location to another location.
   Directory.Move("D:\\New Folder", "F:\\New Folder");
  1. Copy a file: - To copy a file from one directory to another directory.
     Directory.Move("D:\\New Folder", "F:\\New Folder");
  1. Get Directories: - To get the subdirectories in a directory.
  Directory.GetDirectories("D:\\New Folder");
  1. Get Files: - To get the files in a directory.
         Directory.GetFiles("D:\\New Folder");
  1. GetCreationTime: - To get the creation time of the directory.
        Directory.GetCreationTime("D:\\New Folder");

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