
Writing your first c sharp program:
              In this article we will go through some of the basics steps to get familiar with most of the things in c sharp programs. This article explains the structure of the c sharp program, how to compile and execute the c# program by using the command prompt and also it introduces you how to use the visual studio IDE to execute the projects. Let's Start With a simple 'Hello World Program'.
Conditional Statements and Loop constructs
              Conditional statements controls the sequence of statements, depending on the condition
Arrrays in Csharp
               Arrays provide the same functionality and they work similarly to how the arrays work in other programming languages. However, there are few things which you might keep in mind while working with arrays
                 A constructor that takes no parameters is called a default constructor. When a class is initiated default constructor is called which provides default values to different data members of the class.
Static Polymorphism:
                 Using  the same name for two or more functions is called function overloading. Each redefinition of a function must use different types of parameters, sequence of parameters, or a number of parameters. The type , seqeuence , or number of parameters for  a function is called function signature. Same is briefly explained as follows.
Dynamic Polymorphism: Abstract Classes and Interfaces
                  An abstract class is a special kind of class that cannot be instantiated. So the question is why we need a class that cannot be instantiated? An abstract class is only to be sub-classed (inherited from). In other words, it only allows other classes to inherit from it but cannot be instantiated. The advantage is that it enforces certain hierarchies for all the sub classes
Sealed,Partial Classes and Inheritance
                    It is possible to split the definition of a class or a struct, or an interface over two or more source files. Each source file contains a section of the class definition, and all parts are combined when the application is compiled.
Working with Collection classes C Sharp
                    Dot net Base Class library provides number of collection class to work with. Generally collection classes are used to group related objects. The collection classes are designed in order to overcome the limitations of the arrays. Most of the collections classes have methods to add, delete, find, sort, reverse and many more.
Working with stack
                     Stack is another flexible collection class available in System.Collections namespace. Stack size increases dynamically as we add elements to the stack. In Stack the elements are organized in Last In First Out (LIFO) format.
Working with Queue:
                    Queue class which is available in System.Collections namespace, represents First – in – First Out(FIFO). Collections of objects. Queue size increases dynamically as we add elements to it. Queue has two general methods Enqueue and Dequeue by using which we can maintain the elements in the collection.
Working with Hashtable
                    HashTable class is one of the effective collection classes available in the Sytsem.Collections namespace. Out of all available classes ArrayList and Hashtable are used more frequently. Apart from all the collection classes Hastable has got one additional feature, i.e., it allows to store the element with a unique key value.
Working with Generics
                     Most of the classes of System.Collection hold the element as object type. Generics are more specialized collections classes which are used to group the specified type of elements. Generics are type-safe container classes that can only operate on a particular type of data. System.Collections.Generics namespace is introduced in the .net 2.0 version. Most commonly used collections classes are ArrayList and Hashtable and their equivalent Generic types are List and Dictionary.
File I/O
                     Microsoft .NET framework provides the most efficient types to work with input and output operations. In this article we will learn how to use those built in types and their methods to perform our tasks. Initially we begin with reading and writing file streams.
                      The class provides numerous instance methods to move, copy, create and enumerate through directories and sub directories.
Reading and Writing into files
                      The filestream class provides the basic functionality to open file streams for reading and writing.